My Chevrolet
This car is a genuine classic that really stands out from the crowd, and I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it. I knew when I bought it that it was going to take a lot of work because it
needed to be restored from top to bottom – but that's what makes it so much fun!
Of course, this project required a completely different approach to the Mustang. Here it wasn't so much a case of tuning what was already there but more about trying to find appropriate replacements
for the various parts that were either on their last legs or had completely given up the ghost.
I removed the rust from the body, then smoothed, polished and primed it. After that I set to sourcing all the necessary replacement parts to get the engine running smoothly again. It needed a pretty
thorough clean-up under the hood, and then I could start dismantling the engine itself and repairing it with the new pieces I had acquired. Next, I cushioned and reupholstered the seats and, of
course, gave the body a new paint job. Overall, it's taken me a good two years to get it into the condition you see today.
I'm particularly pleased with the way my project has turned out precisely because I put so much time and effort into it. My car has even won prizes at classic car meets, and I'm incredibly proud of
what I've achieved.